Moteur de recherche d'offres d'emploi ACTION CONTRE LA FAIM


Détail de l'offre

Informations générales

Entité de rattachement

Créée en 1979, Action contre la Faim est une organisation non gouvernementale internationale qui lutte contre la faim dans le monde. Sa charte des principes humanitaires - indépendance, neutralité, non-discrimination, accès libre et direct aux victimes, professionnalisme, transparence - fonde son identité depuis plus de 40 ans. Sa mission est de sauver des vies en éliminant la faim par la prévention, la détection et le traitement de la sous-nutrition, en particulier pendant et après les situations d'urgence liées aux conflits et aux catastrophes naturelles. Action contre la Faim coordonne ses programmes autour de 5 domaines d'activités : Nutrition et Santé - Santé Mentale, Soutien Psychosocial et Protection - Sécurité Alimentaire et Moyens d'Existence - Eau, Assainissement et Hygiène - Plaidoyer. En 2022, Action contre la Faim est venue en aide à plus de 28 millions de personnes dans 46 pays à travers le monde.  



Description du poste

Filière Métier

Direction et Management des Missions

Emploi Repère / Fonction

Adjoint Directeur Pays - Programmes - Adjoint Directeur Pays - Programmes

Intitulé du poste (publié)


Durée du contrat (mois)


Type de contrat


Votre poste et vos responsabilités

We are looking for a Deputy Country Director for Programs based in Liberia, Monrovia, to strengthen coordination and synergies between project teams, roll out accountability mechanisms at field level, launch next Irish Aid-funded project, and support the Country Director in pursing funding opportunities.

Under the supervision of the Country Director, your responsability will be to oversee, coordinate and ensure the quality of the design, implementation and monitoring of programs in line with the Liberia Country Strategy and ACF guidelines and policies.

You will participate in the Health System Strengthening Project (ongoing), the Integrated response to address chronic malnutrition and climate change (upcoming)
and support to fishing communities to adapt to climate change.

More precisely, your missions will be to :

  • Contribute to the elaboration and roll-out of the Action contre la Faim Country Strategy
    • Initiate and coordinate need assessments when and where relevant and suggest potential responses
    • Identify funding opportunities by ensuring that the country office has up to date knowledge of donor strategies and funding mechanisms
    • Lead technical staff in drafting new concept notes and proposals
  • Coordinate the implementation and ensure the quality of Action contre la Faim programming in Liberia
    • Provide guidance to all program staff on project cycle management and tools
    • Oversee the planning and review of internal (APR) and external (donor) reports and ensure the country office meets its reporting obligations
    • Identify challenges and areas and improvements and ensure program teams follow up on visit recommendations
  • Contribute to the roll-out of Action contre la Faim partnership strategy and coordinate existing consortia
    • Contributes to the finalization and roll-out of Action contre la Faim Liberia local partnership strategy
    • Contribute to the identification and assessment of potential partners in close coordination with the Compliance Coordinator
    • In case of consortia led by Action Against Hunger, ensure coordination among partners by leading consortium technical group meetings and preparing steering committee meetings
    • Represent the consortium when/where relevant
  • Oversee the implementation and quality of Action contre la Faim’s MEAL Strategy
    • Ensuring coherent and correct application of MEAL guidelines and policies within the MEAL department and across the organization
    • Supervise and strengthen the implementation of ACF’s Feedback and Complaint Mechanism to ensure program accountability towards the project stakeholders at all levels
    • Monitor and strengthen accountability to the affected people, community and other stakeholder feedback and participation throughout the implementation period
  • Manage and strengthen Action contre la Faim program teams
  • Represent Action contre la Faim with donors, authorities, local organizations, UN, NGOs on operational strategy and program-related issues


Votre profil

Both national and international applications will be processed.

You hold a Masters degree in development, humanitarian aid, international relations or a relevant field, with at least 5 years of field experience.

You have demonstrated leadership and management skills. 

You have a strong understanding and experience in MEAL, especially implementing accountability mechanisms.

You have a consolidated experience of project cycle management and using participatory tools and methodologies (strategic planning, program design, proposal writing).

You have experience and/or personal commitment in mainstreaming Gender, Protection and/or Environment across the different programs.

You know well main ACF sectors of intervention (Nutrition & Health, WASH, FSL, MHPSS) and main donors' policy, requirements, and partnerships (knowledge of AFD rules in particular would be an asset).

You have excellent managerial, communication and personal skills. You also have strong analytical and conceptual thinking and are able to understand complex issues.

You are able to adjust to constantly changing situations while maintaining focus on delivery and follow-through. 

You speak and write English fluently. Knowledge of French would be an asset.

Localisation du poste

Localisation du poste

Afrique, Libéria, Monrovia

Critères candidat

Niveau d'études min. requis

4- Master ou MBA

Niveau d'expérience min. requis

2-5 ans


Anglais (3- Niveau avancé)


Date d'arrivée souhaitée


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