Détail de l'offre

Informations générales

Entité de rattachement

Créée en 1979, Action contre la Faim est une organisation non gouvernementale internationale qui lutte contre la faim dans le monde. Sa charte des principes humanitaires - indépendance, neutralité, non-discrimination, accès libre et direct aux victimes, professionnalisme, transparence - fonde son identité depuis plus de 40 ans. Sa mission est de sauver des vies en éliminant la faim par la prévention, la détection et le traitement de la sous-nutrition, en particulier pendant et après les situations d'urgence liées aux conflits et aux catastrophes naturelles. Action contre la Faim coordonne ses programmes autour de 5 domaines d'activités : Nutrition et Santé - Santé Mentale, Soutien Psychosocial et Protection - Sécurité Alimentaire et Moyens d'Existence - Eau, Assainissement et Hygiène - Plaidoyer. En 2022, Action contre la Faim est venue en aide à plus de 28 millions de personnes dans 46 pays à travers le monde. www.actioncontrelafaim.org  



Description du poste

Filière Métier

Direction et Management des Missions

Emploi Repère / Fonction

Coordinateur Contrats Bailleurs et Reporting - Coordinateur Grants et Partenariats

Intitulé du poste (publié)


Durée du contrat (mois)


Type de contrat


Votre poste et vos responsabilités

You will be responsible for the overall management and optimization of all internal and external Reporting and Grants management processes, for effective coordination of project development, and you will lead on Grant compliance for Program and Support Departments, and Partnerships. 

Your missions will be to :

  • Ensure compliance with donor guidelines and regulations
    • Being the Country Office focal point for questions related to donor regulations
    • Coordinate responses to requests for information from donors
    • Provide capacity building to staff on donor compliance guidelines
  • Lead all internal and external reporting processes
    • Develop and update tools for tracking and planning both internal and external reporting processes
    • Support Reporting and Communication and Reporting and Partnership managers in compiling, editing, or otherwise completing external reports
    • Support the DCD-P in his/her lead role in donor strategy development & relationship management
    • Support the reporting managers where needed to provide capacity building on report writing to appropriate program staff
  • Ensure effective coordination of program development processes
    • Support the DCD-P on program development and strategic issues, as delegated
    • Develop and update tools for planning proposal processes
    • Support to program team in compiling, editing, and completing proposals
    • Ensure the consistency and quality of the proposal package documents
    • Provide capacity building on proposal writing and donor guidelines/regulations to appropriate staff
    • Support the MEAL team in capitalizing on learning from report outcomes
  • Ensure effective internal coordination of partnership management
    • Lead in partnership development and management 
    • Support the Grants and Partnership manager with contractual and reporting processes for partners and communicate with Program HoDs in charge of partnership follow-up
    • Support the Grants and Partnership manager with the training of field and coordination teams on partnership management
    • Ensure compliance standards are met by partners
    • Coordinate the capacity strengthening of local partners 
  • Lead the development of a country office partnership strategy
    • Develop a partnership strategy for the country office, in coordination with all HoDs and the DCD-P
    • Support the Grants and Partnership manager with the identification of local partners and support on due diligence processes
    • Support the Reporting Partnership manager with relationship management for partners
  • Demonstrate personal commitment in promoting Gender Equality and ACF Gender Minimum Standards
    • Support the Program HoDs with integrating a Gender analysis in the design of the proposals
  • Lead the development of a communication plan
    • Develop a communication plan and assess different publication options
    • Coordinate the capacity building of field staff in writing success stories and photography skills
    • Review draft stories from field staff 
  • Organise and lead grants-management related meetings


Votre profil

You hold a university degree in a related topic (i.e. fundraising, public relations, communications, development, humanitarian aid, international relations).

You have minimum 3-4 years of experience in humanitarian and/or development fundraising from institutional donors (in a fundraising or related NGO role) of which at least 1-2 years in the field. A former experience with ACF is an advantage.

You have proven ability to work independently under pressure with tight deadlines.

You have proven proposal writing and report writing skills for a variety of donors, and a good knowledge of donor guidelines and regulations (ECHO, BMZ, UNOPS, UNICEF, WFP, SIDA, pool funds and private foundations).

You are flexible and able to adapt quickly to fast pace complex dynamics.

You are an excellent communicator with exceptional English writing skills, displaying a familiarity with sector-related terminology.

You have good knowledge in at least 1 of the following cross-cutting issue: Gender (Gender Analysis),  Conflict sensitivity, Partnership management.

You are familiar with key program areas (nutrition, health, MHPSS, WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods, DRR).

You are diplomatic with also a firm approach to obtain buy-in and contributions from a range of staff involved in proposal and report production.

You are pragmatic and results-oriented, a creative and out-of-the-box thinker.

You are analytical and logical thinker, with a strong attention to detail wich enable you to connect the dots.

You have an experience working in a consortium structure.

You speak, read and write English fluently.

Localisation du poste

Localisation du poste

Asie, Myanmar

Critères candidat

Niveau d'études min. requis

2- Baccalauréat

Niveau d'expérience min. requis

2-5 ans


Anglais (3- Niveau avancé)


Date d'arrivée souhaitée


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